Monday, February 16, 2009

What Is Love?

LOVE. L-O-V-E! Such a simple word, but so powerful. What is love? Is it a touch? Is it a feeling? Is it a look? What is it? I wrote a poem about love several months ago. I haven't finished it, but I would like to share what I have so far.

So Many Faces

You have so many faces
It's hard to tell what's true
You show me what I want to see
You show me what can be
You show me pictures of hope and false realities
You can be the best thing that ever happen to me
But you also can tear my world apart
Sometimes I don't know if I'm coming of going
Should I go left or should I go right
Because the majority of my being
wants you in my life
But you leave me dazed at times
Even crazy at times
You torture my every move
What is it your trying to prove
"Just when I think I'm out, you pull me back in"
Here we go again
You can be so sweet
You can be so kind
You can make me be what ever you want me to be
You use me, you tease me, you please me
And I hate you, but I want and
need you at the same time

So many faces
So litttle times
So my thoughts
that fill my mind
So many feelings
deep within my heart

So Many Faces
Of Love

Now tell me...what is love?


  1. KaleFondaElaineGeorgiaSwain, I love it! it is simple, yet so telling. Anyone can relate to the words and feeling that you express. You should seriously consider submitting it to Essence magazine: I had to create an account just to post this account...whew!!

  2. Kale, that was off the hook. I especially hate the fact that the line, "you make me be whatever you want me to be" is true in so many cases.

  3. This is so on point. If I didn't know better I thought, I would think you were peeping through my windows. Anjeanette

  4. Thanks. I'm glad you all enjoyed it.

    Jessica I don't know about submitting any of my poems. I just like writing poetry. I don't think I'm ready for the "big time" yet. LOL! Maybe one day.
